Family Music Theatre, a community theatre proudly residing in Southern Dallas, announces open auditions for ANASTASIA. From the Tony Award-winning creators of the Broadway classic Ragtime, comes this dazzling musical based on the beloved 1997 animated movie. From the twilight of the Russian Empire to the euphoria of Paris in the 1920’s, a brave young woman sets out to discover the mystery of her past. Pursued by a ruthless Soviet officer determined to silence her, Anya enlists the aid of a dashing conman and a lovable ex-aristocrat to find out if she is indeed Princess Anastasia. Including classic songs from the motion picture like “Journey to the Past” and “Once Upon a December”, this show is perfect for the whole family!

Audition Schedule (No appointments. Sign-up required.):

Auditions: Jan 3 or 4

  • Friday Jan 3, 6:00pm – Children ages 8-12; 7:00pm – Adults/Teens

  • Saturday Jan 4, 9:00am – Alternative audition for Adults/Teens

  • Callbacks:  Jan 4, 12:00pm

  • First Cast Meeting: Friday, Jan 10, 7:00pm 

  • First Rehearsal:  Monday, Jan 13, 7:00pm

    • Rehearsals will run Jan. 13-Feb 20 on weeknights and some Saturdays.  A definitive rehearsal calendar, determined from the availabilities of those cast, will be set and shared just prior to first cast meeting.  Every attempt is made to set rehearsal calendar that is personnel-efficient prior to Feb 10 Sequence Week, requiring attendance only when you are active onstage.  Rehearsal times and required attendance dates will vary by character and ensemble group.  Any conflicts must be specified on audition sign-up form.  

    • Set, props, & costume workdays will be on Saturdays.

  • Starting Feb 10:  Required attendance for all.  No individual conflicts will be accepted.  Cast MUST be available for all final rehearsals and performances:

    • Sequence Week: Feb 10-14  

    • Tech Week:  Feb 17-20

    • 9 Performances: Feb 21-22, 28, March 1, 7-8

      • Additional daytime excerpt performances:  Feb 28 (This requires an all-day commitment.)

Audition Location:

New Vida Center
3727 W Kiest Blvd, Dallas, TX 75233

Please contact with any questions.

